Yeast Infection Guide : Things You Should Know

Do you know what yeast infection is? well I actually have posted about it in this post, but today we well see the general things about the yeast infection. Please make note that this time we will not discussing about how to make foods using a yeast, but we'll talk about the infection that caused by yeast, lets get started.

Yeast is a fungus and most of it live in the vagina of women, also in other human body area, although the yeast amount are not to much in normal condition, but the yeast infection can happen, why? well more yeast amount are the problems, it means too much yeast can cause problems on our skin, although it does not pose a severe problem, but we should know how to avoid yeast infections on our skin or body, especially on the skin around the genital area.

yeast infection in men and women

Yeast infection is most commonly caused by a yeast called Candida albicans, this is a type of yeast that is harmful to the health of our skin. Lactobacillus acidophilus is actually keeping the yeast population or other organism in our body, yeah keeping organisms such as a yeast. Lactobacillus acidophilus is not running normally, or it has interrupted by something, then the yeast can grow very much and out of control, one of thing that caused of this is by taking medications like antibiotics. A pregnant mother can also cause yeast infection happen because a pregnant women usually has hormone imbalance.

The symptoms (signs) of yeast infection

Signs or symptoms of infection that caused by the yeast are very easy to know, if you feel itching or pain around the vagina, or you if you feel uncomfortable during sex, even sometimes a burning feeling, you may have a yeast infection. In essence, the symptoms of yeast infection is quite easy to see, itching, fell burning sensation, even pain are the commons sign and symptoms which are caused by the yeast infection.

So you have known that the Candidiasis is a fungal infection, this disease can make you uncomfortable, it's because the Candidiasis can infect the skin, not only affect to the human genital area, but also to the throat, mouth and even blood.

Some type of the Candidiasis infection:

- Oral Candidiasis - Occurs in the mouth area
- Yeast Infection - Occurs in the genital area
- Diaper rash - A yeast infection in the baby's body
- Candidemia - An infection of the bloodstream

Is a man can be infected with yeast? of course, red rass on the penis and feels hot or burning is one of the symptoms or signs of yeast infection in a man's body.

So what is the best treatment for yeast infection?

Is there any effective method to cure yeast infection?. Well today we can easily found many method to cure yeast infection, we can use a medical also natural home remedies.

There are so many ways that we can use to treat yeast infection, and as I have discussed previously, medical drugs actually can relieve the yeast infection, medical drugs such as Nystatin and Clotrimazole reportedly could treat this disease. There are several levels of yeast infection, if you feel a state of infection is felt worse, you could be taking Ketoconazole or Fluconazole, both of these drugs can be taken every day.

In addition to the mouth area, yeast infection also can attack the area around the vagina, to treat it, you can take the medicine as Tioconazole antifungal or Terconazole.

Some natural ingredients such as a garlic is also good for treating the yeast, a garlic is reported to contain a lot of anti-fungal substances, a garlic is also very useful for banishing yeast infection from the body. Besides a garlic, yogurt is also reported can treat the yeast infection, so how to use yogurt to eliminate yeast infection? It's easy, apply yogurt to the affected part of yeast infection, do this treatment regularly.

If you are exposed to oral yeast infection, you can use a mixture of water and salt, green tea, apples, and others. For a more details, I will discuss in the next article.

I will post more about it in the next post, but if you want to know the treatment for yeast infection right now, you can this treatment method here. Thanks and enjoy your coffee !!

yeast infection treatment ebook