9 Guides on How to Prevent Yeast Infection and Keep Vagina Clean

This time, I wanted to share to all of you guys about 9 guides on how to prevent yeast infection, other than that, this short post guide also provide knowledge about how to keep vagina clean and healthy.

As we have discussed earlier, you can read on this page (what is yeast infection), yeast infection is a disease that caused by a growing number of fungi in the area, around the vagina, mouth, and other areas. Therefore, to prevent yeast infection, we need to know some important things and luckily we will discuss this today.

Fungi/yeast are bacterias that are naturally presented in the human body, however, when the condition of the body changed or when the body does not like the situation in general, the fungus can grow rapidly, this is what we must avoid.

Here are 9 guide/ways to prevent yeast infection.

prevent yeast infection

1. Keep clean your genital area with clean water, make sure the area is dry and not on humid condition, because if your genital area is moist, then the fungus will grow fast.

2. Use soft fabric of pants which can absorb sweat, please change underwear regularly .

3. When cleaning your genital area, clean your area from the front to the backward, because if you clean your genital area from backward to the front side, I think it's worry if the bacterias from the anus will spread to the genital area.

4 .Replace the genital pads as often as possible so that the bacteria will not spread which it will grow from the blood (from menstruation process).

5. Use comfortable or even the baggy pants, please do not use a tight pant because a tight pant will not provide a good space for the vaginal or genital area.

6. Use a special soap for cleaning your vagina, the ordinary soap usually made ​​of a material that is not good for sensitive skin.

7. Though we have to use a special soap, but we have to consult to a doctor, seek advice from a doctor that you trust, it's important because every single women has different.

8. Carry a tissue or your own towel, soft tissue and your hygiene own towel will ensure your vagina keep clean and stay away from the bacterias also fungi/fungus/yeast.

9. Did you often touch your genital area? If yes, then you should wash your hands (with a special soap) before you touch your vagina area, remember, a hand is one of the most media which often transmit germs to our genital area.


That's all the 9 guides on how to try to prevent yeast infection, now we know that there is easy ways to prevent yeast infection, I hope that this post can help you to keep you vagina keep clean and healthy, the tips are easy to follow right?. If you have a yeast infection, you may need to read this post about curing yeast infection with yogurt. Thanks and see you.

yeast infection treatment ebook

Yogurt For Yeast Infection Treatment

Hi guys, today we will discuss about yogurt for yeast infection treatment, maybe you will ask "why yogurt can cure yeast infection?" what kind of yogurt which can be yeast infection remedy? Basically, yogurt is one of the products which are made through a fermentation process, yogurt is made of milk through the process of fermentation. The fermentation process of yogurt is using the good type of bacterias such as lactobacillus acidophilus, bulgaricus lactobacilus, and some other bacteria such as streptococcus thermophilus.

yogurt for yeast infection

How it can work? yogurt for yeast infection treatment

Yeast or fungus infection is one of the skin problems and it looks like a natural skin problem, as we have seen before, fungi usually live in areas which are wet, dirty, smelly or have a certain acids. Yeast infection is caused by a fungus, the Candida albicans fungus. This fungal disease is caused by acidity levels in the body which becomes unbalanced, some other factors such as drug use, or women who are pregnant who have unbalanced hormone levels can also experience this fungal infection.

In the general, yeast infection arising from imbalance acid in the human body, yogurt as a natural material which has a natural bacteria, has been reported to provide a balance acid levels in the body, and of course, the yeast infection will disappear, because the fungi usually very vulnerable to acid levels. Yogurt bacteria such as the Lactobacillus acidophilus is very good for intestinal health and of course the vaginal canal (commonly exposed to yeast infection), the bacteria contained in yogurt is very effective to repel fungus. This is the main reason why yogurt can cure yeast infection.

How do I use yogurt to kill the yeast?

In general, if you 've been exposed to yeast infection, you can eat yogurt and also you can slathered the yogurt into the skin which is exposed to fungal infections. Lot of fungus raised in the wet areas such as skin folds, genitals, and others. You can apply yogurt on that section regularly.

Bottom line, yogurt contained many good bacterias which are hated by yeast or fungus. So, you can use the yogurt to treat your yeast infection. If you want to know more, you can read on this ebook, written by Mia. See you in the next post.

yeast infection book

Do You Know What Yeast Infection is?

"Do you know what yeast infection is?" may be a question that is important to start a conversation about yeast infection. Yeast infection or Candidiasis is a fungal infection that can affect areas such as skin, genitals, mouth, throat and blood. This disease is triggered by the overgrowth of the yeast type called candida, particularly candida albicans.

This kind of yeast is generally found in small amount in the body of human. Health problems and certain medicine are also potential in causing more yeast to grow, especially in warm, moist body areas. This can lead you to a dangerous symptoms.

Several type of yeast infection

There are several types of Candidiasis or Yeast infection; they consist of thrush or oral candidiasis (mouth area), genital candidiasis or yeast infection, diaper rash that attacks baby’s bottom skin area, and if it enters your bloodstream, it is called candidemia.

Oral and genital yeast infection

In the case of oral candidiasis or thrush, adults who are healthy do not usually get thrush. This type is usually seen in infant, elderly, patience who gets chemotherapy and people with AIDS or disease which affects immune system. It is very important for you to visit doctors if you have thrush. Untreated thrush may give huge effects on your bloodstream, which can be very dangerous.

yeast infection candidiasis

Genital candidiasis or frequently called vulvovaginal yeast infection, is a type which causes soreness or itching in the vagina and occasionally causes pain and burning when you make love. The common symptoms of genital yeast infection are the sufferer experiences extreme itching in the vaginal area, soreness in the genital area, painful intercourse and white discharge which has no odor. Not only women, Men can be affected by genital yeast infection, and the symptoms are the red rash on penis and itching and burning on the tip of the tip of penis.

yeast infection in men and women

It is also very important to get treated for a genital yeast infection. Some of the treatments for yeast infection can be used by men and women. They appear as a cream that you place inside the vagina or put on the penis. More about yeast infection can be found at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/yeastinfections.html

So, I hope you have understood what yeast infection is, if you need a method to cure yeast infection, you can try a way that is in this page. Enjoy.

yeast infection book